An Online Compendium of Work by Candace Forest

Candace & Puccini (Photo by Katie Balestreri)

Candace & Puccini (Photo by Katie Balestreri)


Welcome to, a compilation of my work as a composer, lyricist, writer, producer, performer and author. Working across idioms, I’ve written jazz, art song, cabaret, folk, classical and show music for solo, chamber and orchestral groups. I’m an experienced audio, video and theatre producer and have enjoyed an extensive career as a performer. I’ve collaborated on a variety of projects with many accomplished artists. I can create new music for you or assist in finding and/or licensing existing music from my extensive library.

Thank you for visiting!



“Kamala’s Hope” Now Available for Orchestra & Chorus


Check out our electronic demo version below, featuring Anja Burmeister, Soprano.

Kamala's Hope (Demo of Orchestra/Chorus/Soloist)
Anja Burmeister, Soprano (Orchestration by Jason Martineau and Candace Forest)

“Kamala’s Hope“ by Candace Forest (Piano Trio Version)

Kamala's Hope (Piano Trio Version)
Shawnette Sulker, Emil Miland, Jerome Lenk

San Francisco Girl’s Chorus
October 21, 2022
SF Jazz
San Francisco, CA

Shawnette Sulker, Soprano
Emil Miland, Cello
Jerome Lenk, Organ
September 6, 2020
Mission Delores Basilica

San Francisco, CA

Video clip of the last phrase "None of us are free until all of us are freem" from “Kamala's Hope” at the SFJAZZ premiere.


Best Bad Things logo_vert.png

Please visit for the latest information and updates about The Best Bad Things, an exciting new show about the amazing women in San Francisco’s history created by the Wild Women Collaborative of San FranciscoCandace Forest, Natalie Greene, Lua Hadar, Allison Lovejoy and Beth Wilmurt.

Click here to view the latest exploits of the Wild Women.

Click on an icon below to learn more about these delightful recordings and books.






Children’s Music

Theatre Works

Chamber Music




